Did you know...?
that business moms are species which really exist...?!
It didn't take me much time to find out that also in the AutoCom group lives such a nice business mom species.

Dee welcomed me with a prepared workstation, asked me for different information and pointed several things out where I have to be careful:
What do I have keep in mind while buying a car?!
Which downtown areas should I avoid?!
How to eat healthy?!
How do I manage my tax refund? (We're students, that's important:-)
Where can I buy the cheapest antibiotic?
What else does our business mom do every day?

- creates more space on our p-drive to help us put more and more documents on it (and we're damn good at it:-)!
- spoils us with her voice during phone tests at the early mornings: "Gooooood mooorrrrning this is just a test"...
- makes sure that the craftsmen follow the instructions (They shouldn't try not to follow:-)
- is the Virusbuster on our computer stations
- cheers us up with her laugh
- kicks our ....sses if we mess up with our timeslips
- opens her chocolate shop every day
- welcomes us interns with a good morning which checks if her business children are ok or something happened the day before
- lets us try from her delicious food
- crawls on her fours to manage the cable spaghetti in our office
Are you looking for a (business) mom or looking for good chocolate?
Just apply at AutoCom Associates!!!:-)
Linda and Markus
That is really a great post!! We are very lucky to have Momma "D" in our office! We would all be drowning in the P drive if it wasn't for her! Thanks Dee, for everything!
Thank you, Thank you,
{Blushing bright red}
I do not deserve such wonderful praise.
Nor do I deserve such wonderful office family!
No one could become more indispensible (and more appreciated) faster than Dee.
Dee you are the best office mom I've ever had. :o)
What would I have done without your English Muffin the one day!? :o)
Have you ever expected to have such a lot of children?
Love you mama!
Sounds like we'll need to create a new "employee of the year" award. I like the "star is born" comment as well.
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