Greeting to past, present and future AutoCom Interns and friends
[and thank you, Bianca for pushing me to introduce myself]!
As most of you may know, I am the newest addition to the AutoCom team. I have completed my third week of work and am pleased to say that I am enjoying AutoCom’s staff, culture and the automotive industry!
As a Detroit resident, I am new to this part of town and am happy to drive 30 minutes everyday to eat at Panera for lunch, mostly because Lauren is obsessed. PR and food are not my only interests, I also enjoy playing poker, watching Piston’s games (Tigers in the summer) and attending art openings. Although I spend most of my time doing just that, lately I have made sure that I take some extra time to care for my health (sleep and eat well) because there seems to be cold/flu epidemic around the office! As I refuse to be the next one sick, I have become obsessed with vitamins, as most can attest.
Lauren, Susanne and I took this at the Auto Show :)

Nice post, Letty. I wish I had been taking all of my vitamins this past week, because now I'm the office's next flu casualty.
This weekend hasn't been the best, but perhaps by Monday I'll be back on track!
P.S. Next time, try posting something in Spanish and let's see what sort of response we get from that!
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