Investigative Journalism
As you all know Linda and I are investigating American life in every detail.
Linda found these American laws, which every citizen has to follow, of course, and I took my camera and explored Michigan and its customs.
I got out of the Oakland University and there it was again. "Drive-Thru", everything here seems to be "Drive-Thru" even the pharmacies.

What about going to the doctor? Does he also test you in your car?
"Please drive to the first counter and I'll check your blood pressure, the doctor will operate you at counter two!"
While these thoughts were "driving through" my mind, I stopped by a festival where the next funny sign appeared.

I took my time and tried to understand the sense of this rule.
The general American rule is as I know: No Alcohol in the public to protect children against bad influences.
That's at least what people explained me and the reason why I wasn't allowed to carry a box of beer over a street to another apartment at the University. By the way it was midnight-- don't the kids have to be in bed by then?!
Anyway this event was during the day and many kids saw their parents drinking, only on festival ground, of course.
What may the kids learn of that?!
1. Drink as much as you can unill you leave this ground:-)
2. I wanna go here again since my parents are much funnier here:-)
3. It's more difficult for people to walk here:-)
Next to this sign I found the reason for this festival. You guys celebrated our German "Oktoberfest".
Bavaria in Detroit, awesome. Americans wearing "Lederhosen" and drinking "Weissbier", really funny!!!

A little later my friend and me stopped at a pub and were looking for something to drink. This bar only allowed 14 glasses of tap water for free, really stingy.

Have you ever seen a person who drinks more than 14 glasses of tap water, which should be around two gallons or more?!
Or do people go there with their pets?!
"One beer for me and 25 glasses of tap water for my horse"?!
Anyway, we ordered from the menu, needed something to eat...
...we were looking for soup...

On our way back home, we found this sign on the back of a truck.

"Support our troops...whenever we go...
No Aid or the enemy-no way"
The truckers support the Army.
How do they do it? Are these trucks mobile prisons? May be there are hundreds of enemy soldiers in these trailers?!
These truckers problably drive a long way to pick the prisoners up-- right?!
Anyway, every country has its own funny signs, customs and laws. All you need to figure them out is investigative foreign joutnalists or as our AutoComers may say:
"Crazy German interns"
By Markus
I appreciate your investigation of life in America and insightful comments, but since you're a native of a country that adores and reveres David Hasselhoff, I think that your outlook is a little skewed.
Now I must really be behind the times....who is David Hasselhoff?
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