Greetings from Linda

Hi everybody,
how are you doing? how does it go for you? I send you many greetings from the north of Germany, more precisely: from the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. I started with a traineeship at the Jacobs University (a private university, former called: International University) in March and try to settle down in this foreign city. The University is about 30 minutes away from the city itself, but fortunately I found an nice room in an apartment- sharing community which is in the heart of the city. Therefore I theoretical have the chance to enjoy the nightlife every day but to tell you the truth: when I come home during the week I am definitely too tired to go out to party (different from the weekend, of course). At the moment we have ugly, windy and cold weather but I was told that it´s normality if you are living in a city almost next to the coast...
Maggie: Beside your nature I mainly miss the legendary happy Friday... I try to establish them into our pr department (but it´s not comparable to Einstein-Bagels)
Dee: Who provides me with the advise of the day???
Don: Hope you´ve found delicious dark chocolate in the meantime?
Jan: Are you still looking for freedom?
Marty: Did you put through that the Oreo-cake is officially adopted as the ceremony-candy?
Larry: I bet you could win a contest in pronouncing "Eberspaecher" professionally??
Lauren: I am planning to open a Panera Bread store in Bremen. Are you my first customer? Onion soup is for free...
Jen: How is life without the permanent attendance of workmen?
Joe: Yesterday I bought a popcorn-machine, yippie!
Jack: Is there time for a Bremen-visit during your next trip to Germany ;)?
Nicky & Mareike: Hope you both had a good start and got used to the "crazy Americans" J
Letty & Paul: It´s too bad that we couldn´t meet each other in person but I am sure you have a lot of fun with my ex-colleagues...
Hi Linda,
It seems like just yesterday that you were here! Will I ever live down those David Hasselhoff songs? That freedom song was not one of my favorites, by the way (Markus sure loved it)! Take care, we miss you!
Hey Linda!
I just loved your post! We miss you around here! The weather is just starting to get nice, too! Hope you really enjoy what you are doing now. Keep us posted!
Thanks for the post, Linda and sorry about the log-in confussion. I'm glad things are going well for you as they are for Paul and me :) Good luck, and hope to hear from you again.
Hi Linda...
Send a photo next time. Maggie and I were thinking of you week before last when we were in Germany!
It took awhile but my pronounciation of German words slowly but surely gets better.
Thanks for the update and continue to stay in touch!
Hi Linda!
So good to hear from you! Sounds like things are going well. We miss you here very much. Remember, all I ever did was talk (to much)You don't need me for advice (but if you decide you do you know where to find me!)
Momma D
Hi Linda,
We missed you at today's Friday lunch...
Maybe Eileen and I can see you in our trip to Poland and the Baltic countries in September.
Cheers from Jack Harned
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