Football's coming home

The world championship is in full activity...throughout Germany rule exceptional circumstances and all over the world soccer-fans hope and tremble with their teams...
All over the world??
It seems that the U.S. nation is the only who doesn't fall for the soccer-fever...
If you take a closer look you'll find a little companionship who shouts encouragement whenever Germany is playing! The atmosphere in Joe Cool's Bar, Troy, where the soccer-community gets together is amazing... and some of the fans are close to a heart attack during the matches (take a look at the pictures ;)
Someone may consider that these people need help (what do you think about this opinion, Dee??? :)
Anyway, all of us German fans enjoy watching the games and we're deeply grateful that you, Larry, give us the chance to partake in the big event "Soccer World Championship Germany 2006" by allowing us to work flexible hours during the game-days !!
Thank you for being appreciative of our soccer-interest...!
Linda and Markus
Sei nicht traurig~~~~~~~~~~~~
Congratulations on Germany's win Saturday over Portugal......a fun game to watch.
Thank you Larry; although we were very sad to loose against Italy we are very happy to get the third place and realize that we lost against the new world champion.
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